State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) voted today to override Gov. Bruce Rauner’s veto of Senate Bill 250. The bill, passed earlier in the year with a large bipartisan majority, creates an automatic voter registration system to allow easier access to the democratic process at a significantly lower cost to taxpayers.
Stadelman issued the statement below following the veto override, which passed the Senate with a vote of 38-18.
“This win-win proposal makes it easier for voters to become engaged in the democratic process while saving money for taxpayers,” Stadelman said.
ROCKFORD -- Military veterans who wish to obtain Illinois drivers' licenses that note their service in the armed forces may obtain the necessary paperwork at a Veteran's Day event offered by State Senator Steve Stadelman.
Veteran's Day Quick Certification
Date: Friday, Nov. 11
Time: 1-4 p.m.
Location: Zeke Giorgi Center Lobby, 200 S. Wyman St.
To receive a driver's license with "VETERAN" appearing below the signature line, veterans must present official certification of their military status when renewing their license or applying for a state ID. Under legislation passed by Stadelman in 2015, veterans who present a driver's license with the designation qualify for discounts on purchases at participating businesses.
Stadelman said the "quick" certification allows veterans to avoid the delay of a mail application or a trip to the Illinois National Guard Armory in Machesney Park. Coffee and cookies are also available at the event.
Two state Veteran Service Officers -- Matthew Taylor and Jessica Parker -- will issue applications. Veterans should bring their DD-214 or NA Form 13038 and consult for additional instructions on completing the process.
ROCKFORD – State Senator Steve Stadelman is expanding his popular Labor Day basketball tournament to include a drive to collect gently used athletic shoes for needy young sports enthusiasts.
Now in its fourth year, the free 3-on-3 competition also is adding two more courts to accommodate an anticipated increase in players over the 400 who participated in 2015. Boys and girls in 3rd through 8th grades will face off on 10 courts in Davis Park during Senator Stadelman’s HoopStars 2016.
Registration is open until Aug. 31 at
Stadelman announced at a Sunday news conference that HoopStars has teamed up with Sole Ballers to supply “legit kicks” to kids from low-income families. Christian Life High School sophomore Treye Tucker has collected and distributed 500 pairs of athletic shoes since he founded Sole Ballers as a 7th-grader.
Tucker joined Stadelman in inviting the public to visit the HoopStars event, watch a game or two and drop off spare athletic shoes. Players’ families also were encouraged to donate shoes for any sport in reasonably good condition.
“I’m grateful to be able to offer a positive, no-cost, end-of-summer activity for kids, especially those from inner-city neighborhoods,” Stadelman said. “With the shoe drive, I’m asking those who can to help pay that generosity forward.”
Families attending the tournament may again enjoy music and kids rides courtesy of Rockford United Labor, which holds its annual picnic for union members at the same time and place. Event sponsors also operate interactive courtside information booths with giveaways, and all players receive free commemorative event T-shirts.
SPRINGFIELD – Earlier this year, State Sen. Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) advanced legislation through the Illinois Senate to allow recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program (TANF) to count high school and high school equivalency courses toward the core requirement of hours needed to receive benefits.
This proposal, Senate Bill 2906, was signed into law today by the governor.
Previously, recipients of the benefits had to work or participate in job-training programs for 20 hours a week, but high school equivalency classes could not count toward the core hours needed.
“This is a bipartisan solution that will help parents finish their degrees and improve their circumstances through education,” Stadelman said. “It is critically important to encourage individuals to finish high school or receive their GED so that they can gain employment and be self-sufficient.”
There are roughly 45,000 adults in the Rockford area who have not completed high school.
The TANF program provides temporary financial assistance for pregnant women and families. TANF provides financial assistance to help pay for food, shelter, utilities and expenses other than medical.
Senate Bill 2906 is effective Jan. 1, 2017.
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