SPRINGFIELD – Legislation that will require law enforcement officials to accept cash to post bail was signed into law today by the governor.
This initiative, Senate Bill 2252, was sponsored by State Sen. Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford).
The idea was brought to the senator by Rockford-area resident Kevin Lunsford, whose minor son was arrested for a traffic offense last year. When Lunsford arrived at the Winnebago County Juvenile Center to bail out his son, the credit card machine was broken and the county has a policy to refuse cash.
Because of a technology malfunction, Lunsford’s son was forced to sit in the juvenile center the entire weekend – significantly longer than the law requires and at taxpayer expense.
“With this common-sense new law, we have ensured that nobody will have to stay in custody longer because of a technology malfunction or a refusal to take cash,” Stadelman said. “I would like to thank Kevin for contacting me about this issue, and I look forward to sponsoring legislation in the future that is brought to me by my constituents.”
The governor also approved another legislative proposal sponsored by Stadelman today.
Senate Bill 2907 provides that, for the offense of criminal damage to property, institutional vandalism and criminal defacement of property, the damage must exceed $500 to increase the offense to a felony.
This legislation stems from a constituent case in Stadelman’s district that brought into question why criminal damage to property had such a low threshold for being a felony.
Senate Bill 2252 and Senate Bill 2907 are effective Jan. 1, 2017.
SPRINGFIELD – Legislation that will ensure members of the armed forces and reservists receive designation as a veteran on their driver’s licenses and state IDs was signed into law today.
State Sen. Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) was a chief co-sponsor of the measure in the Senate. It was initiated because some Illinois National Guard members were concerned that they would not be designated as a veteran because they were not called to active duty.
“People who serve our country and make sacrifices for our freedoms deserve to be identified as veterans and have access to benefits,” Stadelman said. “Besides giving these veterans some well-deserved recognition, the new law will also save them a little money.”
Under the new law, Illinois National Guard members and reservists who have not been called to active duty can receive the veteran identification on their drivers licenses and identification cards.
“This bipartisan initiative is good for veterans, and I am glad the governor signed it into law,” Stadelman said.
Last year, the governor signed into law a bill Senator Stadelman sponsored that requires the Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs to set up a program allowing those with a veteran's driver's license to qualify for discounts at some businesses.
The legislation approved today, Senate Bill 2173, is effective immediately.
SPRINGFIELD – Legislation that would keep schools open, get funding to Rock Valley Community College and keep government agencies and construction projects operating received State Sen. Steve Stadelman’s (D-Rockford) vote today.
“This is only a temporary budget and not a permanent solution, but it gets more funding to schools throughout my district and ensures they will open on time,” Stadelman said.
Under the plan, Rockford School District gains almost $6.5 million more than what it received last year and Harlem School District gains $880,000 more than last year.
The higher education portion of the legislation provides funding for state universities, community colleges, grants for low-income college students and career and technical education programs.
“This proposal should help alleviate some of the funding issues Rock Valley Community College has faced during the budget impasse,” Stadelman said. “Funding higher education should not be a partisan issue, and today is an example of the positive things the legislature and governor can do when they work together.”
The proposal backed by Stadelman also includes stopgap fudding to keep state agencies and road construction projects operating. Additionally, it invests in human services programs that help seniors, the disabled and other vulnerable populations.
With Stadelman’s support, Senate Bill 2047 was approved by the Illinois Senate and will now head to the governor for final approval.
ROCKFORD – State Sen. Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) is ready to head to Springfield and vote for clean education funding legislation that would increase funding for the Rockford and Harlem School Districts.
Under the plan, the Rockford School District would gain $17,952,821 from what it received last year and the Harlem School District would gain $1,583,165.
“This clean education funding plan would put millions of dollars back into the Rockford and Harlem schools, which will help our students get a better education,” Stadelman said. “I don’t see any reason why the governor or any legislator wouldn’t support it.”
Under the governor’s plan Rockford schools would get less money than under the proposal Stadelman is supporting. Wealthy suburban schools do better under the governor’s plan.
Stadelman and other Senate Democrats plan to vote for this education funding plan on Wednesday.
No school district in Illinois would get less money than they received last year under the proposal.
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